We found 2 MLS listings by Scott Wergin Wardley Real Estate. Click on a listing to view property details, photos, virtual tour and map. If you would like to change or expand your search criteria, try using our Advanced Search.
These properties do not come along often. You have the opportunity to own a residential home that can have commercial/professional status as well. This property is being used as a professional care of...
Beautiful single story open floor plan with high ceilings and a 2 car garage located in the Westcott section of Providence. This well maintained home showcases home owner pride both inside and outside...
Displaying items 1-2 of 2
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*VivaHomeVegas.com may not be affiliated with or endorse Wardley Real Estate. For more information on Wardley Real Estate, you may perform a license status check with the Nevada Real Estate Division.
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