We found 3 MLS listings by Mason B Harvey BHHS Nevada Properties. Click on a listing to view property details, photos, virtual tour and map. If you would like to change or expand your search criteria, try using our Advanced Search.
Mixed-Use Zoning affords a great variety of uses for this parcel! Approx 6 acres General Commercial & C-2 Zoning along SR-161 (approx 300' deep) & approx 10 acres Rural Open Land [.5 Units per Acre] (...
PRICE SLASHED in HALF-owner says sell!11.53ac MIXED USE Zoned PUD & Commercial–General,allows a variety of mixed-uses,including commercial/retail & multifamily up to 24 units/ac!High visibility...
16.44 net acres Zoned R-3(304 units approved-waivers of off-site improvements & certain construction taxes).Indian Springs Directly across US Hwy-93 from the rapidly expanding Creech AFB-home of our m...
Displaying items 1-3 of 3
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