Homes for sale in Majestic Point South HOA in Las Vegas, NV
There are currently 6 MLS Listings in the search: Homes for sale in Majestic Point South HOA in Las Vegas, NV. Click on a listing to view property details, photos, virtual tour and map. If you would like to change or expand your search criteria, try using our Advanced Search.
For a limited time, take advantage of $20,000 in buyer flex incentives on this quick move-in home! Discover this bright and energy-efficient 3-bedroom, 2-bath townhouse in Majestic Point South by B...
Ask about up to $10,000 buyer flex incentive on this Quick Move-in!! Ready to Move in Right NOW!! - Bright, super energy-efficient 3-bed, 2-bath townhouse in Majestic Point South by Beazer Homes â€...
Discover this bright and energy-efficient 3-bedroom, 2-bath townhouse in Majestic Point South by Beazer Homes, a DOE Zero Energy Ready Home builder that exceeds Energy Star Standards. SOLAR INCL...
Discover this bright and energy-efficient 3-bedroom, 2-bath townhouse in Majestic Point South by Beazer Homes, a DOE Zero Energy Ready Home builder that exceeds Energy Star Standards. SOLAR INCLUDED p...
Discover this bright and energy-efficient 3-bedroom, 2-bath townhouse in Majestic Point South by Beazer Homes, a DOE Zero Energy Ready Home builder that exceeds Energy Star Standards. SOLAR INCLUDED p...
Ask about $20,000 in buyer incentives on this Quick Move-in home!! SOLAR INCLUDED! Majestic Point South, a new townhouse community from Beazer Homes, located at the corner of Durango and Russell. Maje...
Displaying items 1-6 of 6
If you would like more information about the real estate in Las Vegas, or would like to talk to a Realtor(R) specializing in in Majestic Point South, contact us!