Homes for sale in Country Lane Estate in Las Vegas, NV
There are currently 2 MLS Listings in the search: Homes for sale in Country Lane Estate in Las Vegas, NV. Click on a listing to view property details, photos, virtual tour and map. If you would like to change or expand your search criteria, try using our Advanced Search.
Amazing open concept 2,290 square foot single family home has 4 bedrooms, 3.0 bathrooms, with 1 downstairs bedroom. Don't miss this great property that is in the ideal location so it will not last lon...
This attractively house offers a great investment opportunity for both investors and first-time homebuyers. The spacious floor makes the possibilities endless. You won't find a yard like this in a new...
Displaying items 1-2 of 2
If you would like more information about the real estate in Las Vegas, or would like to talk to a Realtor(R) specializing in in Country Lane Estate, contact us!