Homes recently sold in Cambria Hill HOA in Las Vegas, NV

There are currently 1 MLS Listings in the search: Homes recently sold in Cambria Hill HOA in Las Vegas, NV. Click on a listing to view property details, photos, virtual tour and map. If you would like to change or expand your search criteria, try using our Advanced Search.

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1475 Reef Ridge Ct Las Vegas, NV 89128

$395,000 (Closed on 07.26.2023)
Property Type: Single Family Residence
3 Bedroom(s) / 3 Full Bath(s); 1 Half Bath(s)
Living Area: 1,400 SqFt
Lot Size: 2,614 SqFt
Fully remodel two story home with community pool. Modern style kitchen upgrade with stainless steel kitchen appliances. Fantastic bathrooms, light fixtures upgrade, remodel back yard with covered pa...

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